Shlok 105

Hrutsthoanushukshmaschidhrupo Gnaata Vyapyakhilaam Tanum            |
Gnaanashaktya Sthito Jivo Gneyoachedhyadilakshanam              ||105||

Hrutstha - that which dwells in the heart.  Shruti explains, ‘This Atma (soul) resides in the heart and is the life spirit (Chetan Swaroop).’

Anushukshma - is as small as an atom such that it is not visible to the naked eye. It is smaller than even the point of a sharp tool.  Shruti says, ‘If you split a single hair length ways, the size of the soul is a hundredth part of one such split of hair.  That Jiva is eternal in form.’  In the Gita, Krishna explains, ‘Of all minute things, I am the soul.’

Chit or Chaitanya- is consciousness or animate. It is the life spirit, which illuminates the body.  God has said, ‘Just as a single sun provides light for all planets, the Jivatma illuminates the whole body.’  Yagnavalkya explains ‘72,000 nerves emanate from the heart, within which, glowing like the light, resides the Atma.’  Vallabhacharya explains, ‘He is luminous, animate and cannot be detected by the ordinary senses.  He is conscious in this way through the power of Yoga.’

Gnaata - He is knowledgeable in the Adhyatmika, Adhibautika and Adhidaivika aspects.

Gnaanshaktya - pervades the whole body.  Furthermore he pervades the gross, subtle and causal bodies.  Shruti explains, ‘He pervades the whole body, from the hair (of the head) to the nails (of the hands and feet).’

Acchedadilakshanam - Has various qualities such as not able to be pierced.  Bhagwat Gita explains these: ‘Weapons do not cleave it, fire does not burn it, water does not wet it and wind does not dry it.  It cannot be cleft; it cannot be burnt; it cannot be wetted and it cannot be dried.  It is eternal, all-pervading, stable immovable and primeval.’