Shlok 106

Trigunatma Tamaha Krushnashaktirdehatadiyayoha                    |
Jivasya Chahamamamataheturmayaavagamyataam              ||106||

Maya’s  form is now explained.  Maya is Trigunatmak - i.e. it has the qualities (Gunas) of Satva, Raja and TamaPrakruti (nature) is described as supporting these three qualities.  Bhagwat explains, ‘God, who is devoid of such Gunas, with the aid of Maya containing Good and Bad qualities, initiated the creation of the universe.’

The three Gunas are the driving force of nature causing it to change according to the dominance of a particular Guna.  These three Gunas, and their descriptive qualities are explained in Mokshadharma:

The ten qualities of Satva Guna (purity) are:

(i) Bliss (ii) penance (iii) peace (iv) enlightenment (v) intoning (vi) faithful (vii) compassionate (viii) donating (ix) God like (x) contentment.

The nine qualities of Rajo Guna (activity) are:

(i) Unsteadiness (ii) not compassionate (iii) affected by pleasure and pain (iv) finds difference (v) worldly aims of life (vi) lustful (vii) intoxicated (viii) vain (ix) talking too much.

The eight qualities of  Tamo Guna (impurity) are:

(i) Ignorance (ii) delusion (iii) great delusion (iv) anger (v) senselessness (vi) slander (vii) neglect (viii) laziness.

Shrutis explain, ‘Tamo Guna has the form of darkness and in this way Maya, which is of Tama, can be experienced.’  Maya, which is God’s Shakti (power), is used as a tool for purposes of creation etc.  Bhagwat explains, ‘Using his Shakti - Maya, He creates, destroys and sustains (the universe).’

Maya is the cause of ego and attachment, which forms within the body and that, which is associated with the body - wife, children, wealth etc. Association of ‘I’ with the body and ‘Mine’ with possessions of the body is Maya.  ‘O Lord!  In this world, people have become deluded through your Maya.  They have fallen into acts associated with I and Mine.’  ‘Cut off the illusive string (Maya) which attaches a person to their children, wife, wealth, property, relations and body,’ explains the Bhagwat.

All are affected by God’s Maya including other Devas such as ShankarBhagwat says, ‘O Devi!  You too, have experienced God’s Maya, because even I, an incarnation of that God have become deluded through Maya.  How then can other beings, servant to their senses overcome such Maya.’  ‘Maya is very difficult to understand. Not even Brahma can comprehend it.’  ‘I,  Narad and other great Munis are not able to comprehend Maya.  How then can Vamedeva and other Devas understand,’ such is the incomprehensive nature of Maya.

Maya has been loosely translated into English as ‘illusion’, however it is much more than mere illusion.  A proper understanding of Maya is essential as only then can we begin to overcome the effects of Maya on the self.

I have taken various notes from Bhagwat’s Eleventh Skanda to clarify: Maya is the power that offers enjoyment and suffering by virtue of their Karma.  It is inherent in all through the mind and the senses providing the Jiva with objects of enjoyment.  All have it as the body is made from Prakriti that has the three Gunas within it, which drive Maya.  Maya works with the organs of action generating new tendencies, providing pleasures and pain.  It is Illusive in nature causing that which is wrong seem to be right and vice versa.

In order to overcome Maya, one must live according to Bhagwat Dharma.  They should aim to give up attachment to sense objects and cultivate attachment to holy company (Satsang).  They should cultivate kindness, friendliness and humility to others.  Observance of purity of mind and body, performing duties to please God, being patient and avoiding vain talks are some of the disciplines of Bhagwat Dharma.

Shrimad Bhagwat explains that the three Gunas enter the body through scripture, water, man, place, time, action, initiation, meditation, Mantra, purificatory rites and practices. They regulate the growth of the Gunas Satva, Raja and Tama in man according to the classification of each object. For example, partaking in pure water results in Satva, tasty juices results in Raja and liquor results in Tama.  Partaking in pure water offered to God first will result in the nature of Nirguna.  In this way, a Nirguna nature should be cultivated to overcome the effects of Maya.