Shlok 47

Ubhyorbrahmanrupera Vedeshu Pratipadanat                        ||47||

Those who think of God differently to this, where Narayan or Shiva are defamed in some way are insulting God.  Shatanand says that such people should have their eyes removed.  Such a person is blind to the truth and can never be enlightened to that truth.

Many Shastras speak of the oneness of Narayan and Shiva.  Our ancient Shastras in some instances speak of Narayan as supreme and in other instances speak of Shiva as supreme.  Both views should be accepted as correct, hence they should be accepted as the one and the same.  The following Veda scriptures are Shaiva in context as they speak of Shiva as Brahman: Atharvashikha, Atharvashisha, Shetasvataria, Mantropanishad, Kaivalyopanishad.  The following speak of Vishnu as the supreme Brahman: Mahanarayanopanishad, Narayaropanishad, Mahopanishad, Shubhalopanishad.  Thus the four Vedas sing only the oneness of Shiva and Narayan.

Shrimad Bhagwat’s Fourth Chapter explains, ‘Those who find indifference in Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva and recognise the oneness in them obtain eternal peace.’  The Eighth Chapter adds, ‘Shiva Brahma and Vishnu are thy manifested forms, which create, maintain and destroy the universe at thy will.  Thou is Ishwara who delivers Moksha (Salvation).  Thou is Parabrahman (the Supreme Lord).’

Narad Pancharatra succinctly states:

Shivo Harirhariha Shakshatchiva Eva Nirupitaha      |
Shivadveshi Haridrohi Vishnum Nityam Bhajanapi    ||

‘Shiva is Hari and Hari is none other than Shiva.  An enemy of Shiva is an enemy of Hari, even though he may daily worship Vishnu.’

Bhattacharya has said, ‘I have looked in the Puranas, Upapuranas, Vedas, Smrutis and all other such Shastras, but have not come across anything to suggest a difference in Shiva and Vishnu.’  God himself has said, ‘Those who find difference in the two of us fall to the Hells.’  Shree Dhar Swami prays, ‘I humbly bow before Vishnu and Shankar who are one, who revere one another and who provide for all.’  Vallabhacharaya, a famed Vaishnava, in similar fashion says, ‘Glory to thee, who is honoured as Brahman in the Vedanta - Lord of the three worlds - Mahadev.’

Lord Swaminarayan has gone out of his way to glorify both Vaishnav and Shaiva Sampradais in order to get back to the true Vedic teachings.  We must conform to this dream of Lord Swaminarayan’s by never uttering a word contrary to the Lord’s standpoint.  We must always, with love, observe the Vratas of Lord Shiva and bow respectfully to the icons of Shiva.  It does not in anyway fault our devotion to Lord Vishnu by doing so - indeed it strengthens devotion for Vishnu.  Narayan and Shiva are one and the same.  They are, if you like, two sides of the same coin.  That coin being the Supreme Godhead