Shree Hari informs us that in the event of extreme calamities (Apatkaar), one should never use excuses to work their way around the directives of the Shastras. Often Shastras will be a little lenient upon those ill, young etc., but these leniencies should never be used inappropriately. One should always be sensible when observing Vratas. Those who are able to keep Vratas such as Upavaas (fasting) etc. should observe such Vratas and should never make excuses to diverge from their duties.
Some people use some really pitiful excuses to ‘get out’ of performing Vratas. Sometimes Ekadashi Vratas may be ignored because they feel that their body isn’t getting the necessary nutrients and making the body weak on a diet of Samo etc. These ‘nutritional experts’ come out with all sorts of excuses. Some get out of Vratas by classing themselves as ill when the illness is something small such as a headache.
Shastras should never be interpreted in this way in order to make it easier on oneself. It is also unacceptable to forcefully carry out a Vrata when clearly you do suffer from a serious illness. To cause further irreparable harm to the body serves no purpose and so sensible decisions based on advice should be made always.