All my devotees, of the four castes, who desire salvation, should listen to these Sat-Shastras. Members of the upper three castes, Dwijas, should study and teach the Shastras. They should preach the contents through ‘Katha’.
Shatanand explains that although listening to Shastras are endorsed here, Shudras should listen to all Shastras except for the Vedas. Shudras do not have the right to listen to even the Mantras defined in the Vedas. Therefore none should disobey the duties pertaining to Varna (caste) and Ashram (stage of life).
Skanda Purana forbids Shudras from listening to the Vedas: ‘Shudras do not have the right to listen to Puranas in the company of Brahmins or God. The fourth caste Shudras, have the right to all acts except study of Vedas and Veda Mantras, offering to the sacrificial fire, Vashatkar etc’.
Smruti confers that such act leads to dismissal from such caste (Jatihbrashta): ‘Shudras who drink milk from a Kapila cow (single coloured), has sexual connections with a Brahmini or who contemplates upon the contents of the Vedas, is demoted to the lowest form - a Chandal.’ Therefore Parashar Purana forbids the teaching of Vedas to Shudras.
Listening to Puranas is not forbidden and therefore to listen to Veda Mantras that are contained in Puranas is accepted, according to Kamalakarbhatt. However, study or chanting of the contents of Puranas etc. is still forbidden as Puranas, Itihases etc. are often compared to the Vedas and indeed are often called the ‘fifth Veda’. For such reason they are restricted to only listening to these Shastras. In this way ‘Shudras will face happiness’ - Shudraha Sukhamvapnuyad - explains Shankracharya in his Bhashya of Vishnusahastranaan.
Mahabharat explains, ‘Shudras should not study the Vedas nor perform Yagnas.’ In this way they are given the right to listen to Shastras, but not study of Shastras. ‘By listening (to Shastras), Shudras move towards bettering their Jaata (caste/race)’, explains Harivamsa. Thus, ‘Brahmins, Vaishyas and Kshatriyas should study such Shastras and Shudras should listen to them, but never study them.’ ‘Shudras should always listen to the Shastras in the company of a Brahmin. Indeed all Dwijas should listen to Shastras in the presence of a Brahmin or God’s Murti,’ explains Nirnyasindhu.
Arsharamayana explains, ‘By performing ‘Paatha’ (study/chanting of Shastras), a Brahmin develops mastery of speech, a Kshatriya obtains sovereignty, a Vaishya attains fruits of action (Punya) and a Shudra develops greatness.’
Shudras should perform ‘Paatha’ (recital) of literary works written in ‘Prakruta’ (a language other than Sanskrit) and similarly sing the glories of God Shree Krishna written by poets of present time in Prakruta. Shudras should not feel dismayed thinking that the recital of a Prakruta scripture will derive less fruits as Shrimad Bhagwat indicates that the Stotras of Puranas and Stuti of Prakruta texts amount to the same - Paurarairaha Prakutairapi.