Tatracharavyavahyatiniskrutanaam Cha Nirnye |
Grahya Mitaksharopeta Yagnavalkyasya Tu Smrutiha ||97||
Achara - Righteous acts (Sadachar) or rituals carried out daily, Vyavahyati - business affair of borrowing and lending and Niskruti - Prayaschit for sins large or small commit knowingly or unknowingly as well as Prayaschit for sins of the body used for Sankhya Gnaan. For such acts one should use the Dharmashastra of Yagnavalkya as authority when confusion arises from the contradictory sayings or commandments of different Rishis.
The commentary by Pandit Vignaaneshwar called Mitakshara should be taken. Shatanand says that the Mitakshara Tika should be used together with Yagnavalkya Smruti, hence Yagnavalkya Smruti upon its own or another commentary should not be used. The scripture is named Mitakshara as it has few words, but has a great wealth of knowledge. Therefore, one should not question whether the Shastra has full knowledge, says Shatanand.
He furthermore explains that the word ‘Mit’ means to expound the necessary meanings or knowledge. Thus the twelve thousand Shlokas of Mitakshara expound the essence of the teachings of all Dharmashastras.
Mitakshara says, ‘No elder or learned person is able to sufficiently comment or interpret Yagnavalkya’s Shastra. It is a Shastra with sufficient words describing the essence of meanings and teaches the greater morals and aims. It is like a sprinkle of nectar to the listener’s ear. Full of messages for the good and yet called Mitakshara, I Vignaaneshwar Pandit write this commentary which is full of meaning, though it has few words.’