Description by Bhagwan Shree Hari about means of Dharma-Siddhi.
Suvrat said:-
O king, In the evening of the fifth day (of the of the brighthalf of the month of Kartik), while Shri Hari was seated in the assembly, learned and generous Shukanand muni asked, ‘O Lord, what are the means to attain the right path of religion? I would like to know in detail, how human beings achieve this right path of Religion quickly ?’ 1 - 2
Narayan muni said:-
O sage, religion resides in (particular) region, along with his companions, those who reside in such auspicious regions, attain the right path of religion and thus enjoy the happiness and divine faculties of religion. unrighteousness resides in the inauspicious region, with its ambience; and hence those who reside in inauspicious region, live sorrowful life and lose wealth etc. 3 - 4
Time, space, deeds or actions, scriptures, meditation, consecration, chant, and company or association, are the eight means to attain righteous path; and the others, contrary to these, are the means, for the unrighteous path. 5
Now I shall narrate in brief, the attributes of the auspicious and inauspicious regions etc. It will be beneficial to all the people. 6
Attributes of a virtuous place.
The region, in which there prevails the religion, which adheres to the four social orders and stages of life; and where there are dedicated devotees of Shri Hari, is considered as auspicious. Where there are Brahmin families, who perform penance, spread knowledge, and show mercy towards people; and where Shri Hari is worshipped regularly that region is considered to be auspicious. 7-8
The country in which there are rivers like Ganga, and others and which are praised in scriptures, as also there are pilgrim places like Pushkar and others, places such as Kurukshetra, Gayaji, Prayag, Pulahasrama, Naimishaanya, Phalguna, Setu-bandh- Rameswar, Prabhas, Kusha-sthali, (Dwarika) Varanasi, Madhura, Pampa-sarovar, Bindusarovar, Narayanashrama, (Badarikasram) Ayodhya, and Sitaramasrama, (Chitrakut), Kapilasram which are inhabited as sacred pilgrim centers, that country is considered to be auspicious. 9 - 11
All the mountains, like Mahendra, Malaya, Sayadri, Shuktiman, Ruksha, Vindyachal, Pariyatya and others, forming part of the mountain range, are sacred. That country, is considered as sacred., in which worthy people reside. These most esteemed countries should be chosen to inhabit by persons seeking bliss. Religious rites, performed in such countries, are sure to fetch excellent results. 12-13
Attributes of a non-virtuous place.
Now, I will tell you about such countries, which people with virtuous mind should avoid. They are: Anga, Vanga, Kalinga, Sindha, and Kitakdes these are Mlencchadesha, which are devoid of any culture, where the land is barren, where Lord Shri Hari is not worshipped, and in which country, due to consumption of excess water, people suffer with diseases of stomach ache, where men and women do not follow their own religion, and where they do not have unstained conduct and do not have absolute devotion to Shri Hari. 14-16
Where the king and his men seize others wives, and personal belongings by force, and harass their citizens who are weak, where mostly women, practice adultery (are unchaste), and where people consume alcoholic drinks and non-vegetarian food, and are committed to theft and robbery, that country is said to be inauspicious. 17-18
Even though a country is auspicious and there is a constant fear of violence (outrages) from army of the ruling party, there prevail epidemic diseases like plague, and there is a constant fear of seasonal calamities (like famine, foreign invasion etc.). O king, where there is shortage of food and clothing, people sell their personal belongings and their own kindred, due to miserable circumstances, that country should be considered as inauspicious. 19 - 20
Virtuous time.
Brahma Muhurta, (the third quarter of the night) and the first quarter of the day, are considered auspicious for worshipping the Gods, and to perform religious rites etc.; the second quarter of the day is considered auspicious for giving oblations to the deceased ancestors. Dakshinayana (Karka samkranti) Uttarayana (Makara Samkranti), Vishuva (Tula and Meshasamkranti), Vyatipata (Dinakshaya), day-decline, Solar and lunar eclipses, every twelfth day of every month, are called Vaishnava dates. A day falling on Shravana constellation, and Akshayya Tritiya (third day of the bright half of Vaishakha), Ninth day of the bright half of Kartika), every eighth day of the months of Margashirsha, Pausha, Magha, and Phalguna, seventh day of the bright half of Magha, every full moon day of the month, every eleventh day of the month, the period when the purification rites of one’s child and wife, are also considered as auspicious occasions. Seventh day of the month falling on Sunday, full- moon day falling on Monday, eighth day of the month falling on Wednesday, fourth day of the dark –half of every month falling on Tuesday (Angaraki chaturthi), and Kapila Shashthi (sixth day of the dark half of the month of Bhadrapada) are considered as the auspicious occasions. 21 - 25
Dreams pertaining to Gods, Brahmins etc., viewed in the third quarter of the night are auspicious; and that period of time, also is said to be auspicious. The period in which funeral rites of a dead body is performed, and the anniversary obsequy celebrations of the dead persons are considered as auspicious occasions. Birthday celebrations of Shri Hari is also proclaimed as an auspicious occasion. 26 - 27
On such occasions, taking of holy bath, muttering of the names of the deities, sacrifices, observation of sacred vows, and worship of Gods and Brahmins, and whatever is offered to the manes, Gods and five elements including men, during auspicious period, would never perish. 28.
Non-virtuous time.
Learned people should consider Pradosha (first part of the night), midnight, Sutaka (impure pollution time due to occurrence, of a birth in a family), and a day having untimely cloudy sky, time which is the cause of sudden global or celestial catastrophe and of all the general calamities and anything that which is detrimental to one’s material possessions and animal wealth etc. as inauspicious. 29
If black serpents, ill omens, dreadful scene appear in dreams in the latter half of the night, that period is also considered as inauspicious. 31
Attributes of virtuous and non-virtuous actions.
Good actions represent listening to the discourses of the Lord etc., forming part of nine fold devotion to Shri Hari, innocuous sacrifices, charity, observance of vows, moral restraint and observance of religious practices. 32
Wise people should consider duty towards noble people, observance of their own duties, worship of the Brahmins, going to pilgrimage, as auspicious deeds. 33
Animal slaughter, falsehood, consumption of liquor, theft, religious hypocrisy, inter-cast marital mingling, are considered as inauspicious deeds. 34
Gambling, association with alien women, exchanging of jokes, and playing games with them, and insulting noble people, are said to be inauspicious deeds. 35
Meditating on that Narayan Vasudeva, the Lord of Sri Laxmiji, the divine serene form of tranquility, lord of good people, is said to be auspicious. 36
Meditating on His divine seat, ornaments, apparels, lute, garlands and weapons is considered auspicious. 37
Meditating on evil - deities like Kali, Bhairava and Yaksha, who consume liquor and animal flesh, is stated as inauspicious. 38
Description of auspicious scriptures.
The holy documents in which images of the incarnations of Shri Vishnu, Rama and Krishna, are described; and which propound absolute devotion of Narad, Uddhava and others, are proclaimed as auspicious scriptures. 39 - 40.
The scriptures where in virtuous sermons of Lord Shri Hari, bearing a divine human form are described, are stated to be auspicious. 41.
Description of inauspicious scriptures.
I have so far described the characteristics of auspicious scriptures. Now I shall narrate about inauspicious scriptures. Those scriptures which are contrary to the above scriptures are said to be inauspicious. 42.
Those scriptures which contradict the subtle form of Lord Shri Hari; and where the dedication to the spiritual self and devotion to Lord Shri Hari, is described without practicing self restraint; and the scriptures that criticize and illustrate adverse statements, on the incarnations of Vishnu are considered as inauspicious. 43 - 44.
If the worship of the deities of the evil spirits is performed with impure articles, then, that ritual is considered as inauspicious. 45.
Description of auspicious initiation.
That consecration ceremony is said to be auspicious, wherein the chanting of the prayers, the rosary beads, the vertical mark on the forehead, the clothes, and the person himself are very pleasing. 46.
Description of inauspicious initiation.
That consecration ceremony, in which the dress worn (by the person who is consecrated) from head to toe, is frightful; and the hymn contains very rude and slang words, is said to be inauspicious. 47.
That initiation ceremony, which symbolizes a very frightful impression, resembling that of the sight of a tiger, wherein liquor, animal flesh and other forbidden food is consumed, and the eyes (of the one who is consecrated), have turned reddish due to the consumption of intoxicating drinks like hemp etc., and where adultery is practiced is said to be unholy initiation. 48 - 49.
Description about virtuous Mantra.
That chanting is said to be auspicious, which consists of the sacred names of Krishna, Naraya, Nara, Vasudev, and Hari. 50.
Description about unpleasant Mantra.
That chanting is said to be inauspicious which is employed for the destruction of others, and which enjoins the names of evil spirits; and which causes mental confusion. 51.
Description about good association.
The company of the devotees dedicated to Lord Shri Hari, is termed as Satsang. They can be identified by the characteristics described in the sacred texts. 52.
The company of those devotees, who observe celibacy, who are unyielding in their religious activities, who readily sacrifice wealth, who are insipid, and are unattached, who are unassuming by nature, free from any desire, pure in mind, free from anger, envy, greed, and passion, who have overcome their senses, and who seek spiritual knowledge, who reveal their absolute devotion towards the Incarnations of Lord Shri Hari, is termed as Satsang. 53-55.
Satsang consists in the with the texts describing the direct association of the incarnation of Lord Shri Hari, with this world, and knowledge of His sacred texts is termed as Satsang. 56.
Association of those seven countries, which have been certified as virtuous by the great sages, is also termed as Satsang. 57.
Description about bad association.
Association with the wicked persons, is said to be inauspicious. They can be identified by their distinguishing characteristics. They do not have devotion towards Lord Vishnu and the Vaishnavas. 58.
Those, who do not have faith in the sacred religious texts, who are atheists, who have great attachment for wealth, who are thieves, who are engaged in adultery, and who are in the habit of consuming liquor and eating animal flesh, who are egoist, insane, jealous, hypocrites, cruel, gamblers, consumers of prohibited food, full of anger, are considered as wicked. 59 - 60.
In spite of the chaste qualities of the noble celibates, those who blame for their minor short comings, those who are interested in self -praise, and who hate Lord Shri Hari and His devotees; and who selfishly sustain their lives by harassing others are considered wicked. 61 - 62.
Human body, which is the only means of the accomplishment of devotion and religion, has been entrusted to us by the grace of Lord Shri Hari. Those who do not put the sacred human efforts to achieve them, and instead, consider opportune time, merits of our good deeds, destiny, and grace of God as leading to the final bliss, are considered as insane. 63.
Those men and women are considered as non-virtuous, wicked, who are possessed of qualities like lack of peace and such other bad characteristics; and their company is unacceptable; and those who abuse their country of habitation and the seven regions,all these are describe the term unholy. 64 - 66.
I have narrated the characteristics of auspicious and inauspicious countries etc. to enlighten those aspiring for the final bliss. 67.
Those people who inhabit auspicious countries, achieve virtuous minds; and those who inhabit inauspicious countries, attain non-virtuous mind. 68.
A person, acts according to his attitude O sage; and bears the fruit according to his actions. 69.
The intelligent persons should not stay in inauspicious country, and should immediately leave that country and take resort to an unknowingly, by a stupid or intelligent person, leads that person to immortality. 70 -71.
An intelligent or a stupid person is liberated from this worldly existence, even if he unknowingly resorts to auspicious country and opportune time. If an illiterate or a learned person consumes liquor, or hemp, immediately gets intoxicated and becomes insane. 72 -73.
Thus, even virtuous and intelligent persons are ruined if they inhabit in inauspicious countries and at an inopportune time. 74.
O Sage, the people are endowed with such qualities as possessed by natural causation. One cannot dispel the qualities that are inherent in them. 75.
One who consistently inhabits virtuous countries and opportune time, their religiosity prospers and fulfils their desires. 76.
Those devotees live very happily in this immortal world; and after death, they attain a divine body in the Golok. 77.
Their conscious soul enjoys the eternal imperishable divine pleasures, which are unattainable even to the gods. 78.
One who stays in an inauspicious country, in this world, experiences sorrow, throughout his life; and is degraded from his religion. 79.
After death, such person, having experienced life in the hell, goes to the abode of Yama and roams around the vicious cycle of eighty-four lakh Yonis (births). 80.
One should keep himself away from living in an inauspicious country; and take recourse to auspicious country. 81.
Suvrat said:-
O king, having listened to these words of Narayan muni, Shukanandmuni along with other sages became delighted and paid obeisance to Him. In their own interest, they promised to follow His instructions. 82.
This holy sermon, from the scriptures is narrated by the great sage, for the protection and attainment of the religion by the people, householders, and the ascetics. Those who would everyday listen to this and sing the divine praise, would certainly attain eternal happiness; and their religiosity will certainly prosper. 83.
Thus ends the twenty-sixth chapter entitled, ‘Narration of description of the Attainment of Dharma’ in the third prakaran of Satsangi Jivan, the life story of Lord Narayan, also titled as Dharmashastra, (the rules of the code of conduct). 26