Nishkam-suddhi for saints narrated by Shree Hari.
Suvrat said:-
O king, in the late evening, sage Brahmanand saluted Shri Hari, who was sitting on His high seat, and asked Him, O Lord! ‘many of our ascetics and followers of our fellowship of devotees of Sampraday observe rigorous vows. O Swami, could You recommend any purification rite, if by any probability, they come across the sight of any woman and incur break in their vow?’ 1-3
Narayan muni said:-
Nobody should ever thoughtfully break his vow. Unknowingly, if anybody happens to do it, he should immediately perform purification rites. Then only, he would be assumed to have practiced eight-fold pure celibacy, and embraced an absolute exclusive devotional religion. 4-5
If a devout ascetic by any probability, happens to listen to women’s voice, he should observe a one day fast. If a devout ascetic speaks about good or bad qualities of women, except during the narration of the religious legends in scriptures, he should observe a one day fast. 6-8.
If a devout ascetic listens or narrates the description of types of young and beautiful women (Mugdha—Madhya etc.) from unholy non-religious poetic literature, he should observe a one day fast. If a devout ascetic, like a stupid person, keeps himself staring at women, who are entertaining themselves at pleasure, he should observe one day fast. If a devout ascetic, exchanges contact of his sight with that of another woman, he should observe a one day fast. 9 -10.
If a devout ascetic, touches the limbs of a woman, or clothes worn by her, or clothes taken off by her, he should observe a one day fast. 11.
If a devout ascetic, makes mention of women, while giving discourses on scriptures, before men, he should observe a one day fast. 12.
If a devout ascetic reflects immoral thoughts in his mind about women, or he explicitly mentions them, he should observe a one day fast. 13.
If a devout ascetic, sends a secret message through a man, or listens to any message, he should observe a one day fast. 14.
If a devout ascetic, sends any things in the pretext of Shri Hari’s consecrated offreings, (prasad), he should observe a one day fast. 15.
If a devout ascetic, (even if) accepts such things, sent by a woman in private, he should observe a one day fast. 16
If a devout ascetic, sends a book to a woman secretly, or receives any document sent by a woman in private, he should observe a one day fast. 17.
If a devout ascetic, secretly sends any thing desired by a woman or receives any such thing, he should observe a one day fast. 18.
If a devout ascetic, perceives or draws the pictures of women, or touches a man clad in woman’s clothes, he should observe a one day fast. 19.
If a devout ascetic, performs such activities as bath etc. at the same place where those are also performed by women, he should observe a one day fast. 20.
If a devout ascetic, discharges urine etc. where women are roaming about, he should observe a one day fast. 21.
If a devout ascetic, stands or sits before a woman, listening to discourses on religious scriptures given by her, he should observe a one day fast. 22.
If a devout ascetic, when he is not in distress, and if, the road is wide enough, walks along with a woman at a distance, less than four feet, he should observe a one day fast. 23.
If a devout ascetic, sits in a cart, in the company of a woman, or touches a picture of a woman, he should observe a one day fast. If a devout ascetic, touches an idol of a woman made of wood etc. or sees at her hidden secret limbs, he should observe a one day fast. 24 - 25.
If a devout ascetic, thoughtfully observes the copulation (sexual union) of birds and animals, he should observe a one day fast. 26.
If a devout ascetic happens to acquaint a woman, if she thoughtfully or unwillingly, enters his house, where he is alone he should observe a one day fast. 27.
If a devout ascetic, if by mistake, or with any purpose, or just casually, enters a house of a woman, and meets her and returns, he should observe a one day fast. 28.
If a devout ascetic, sees a woman in person or by sees a woman in a dream discharges semen, he should observe a one day fast.If a devout ascetic is served dishes by a woman, when he is taking his meal, in order to purify himself, he should observe a one day fast. 29 -30.
If a devout ascetic, without concealing his inner garment i. e. loin –cloth, enters a joint meeting of men and women, he should observe a one day fast. 31.
In this manner, in broad terms, observance of fast is advocated for devout ascetics, coming in contact with women. In similar circumstances, a one day fast may be observed. 32.
If a devout ascetic, spends time with a lonely woman in privacy, or if he travels with her in a in a lonely place, he should observe a fast for three days. 33.
If a devout ascetic, due to fascination for sensual enjoyment, discharges semen by hand, he should a fast for four days. 34.
If a devout ascetic enjoys acquaintance with a woman, he should observe Dharana- Parana vow and consume salt less wheat flour soup, for one year. If he is not able to perform the above expiations, he should follow ‘other religious scriptures according to his own capacity. 35 - 36.
A devout ascetic should only drink water while observing the fast, for the expiration of his vow. Even if he is a child, or a person who is ailing painfully, or an old person, he should not eat anything else. 37.
All these fasts advocated by Me, should be strictly observed by the devout ascetics. This is my directive. 38.
Those who will not observe fasts, as their expiatory rites, or those who will object to those, who are performing the expiatory rites, will be subjected to infatuation. 39.
Those who, out of pity, abstain children, afflicted old people from observing fast, should themselves observe fast for their purification. Only those who will follow the rules of conduct for purification, laid down by Me, will be regarded as the followers of Uddhava and not others. 40 - 41.
Suvrat said:-
The great sage (Brahmanand) and other ascetics were pleased to listen to this ordeal of Shri Hari, who is intent upon wellbeing of His devotees, saluted Him, and promised to obey His orders. 42.
Thus, whosoever will recite this sacred purification rite every morning, without any desire in his mind, will for sure, eradicate his passion for love, which has disgraced all the good qualities and boasts of having overcome the three worlds. 43.
Thus ends the twenty seventh chapter entitled, ‘Narration of description of the Purificatory rites performed without having any desires in the mind,’ in thethirdprakaran of Satsangi Jivan, the life story of Lord Narayan, also titled as Dharmashastra, (the rules of the code of conduct). 27